Web Developer


Meet Tien Borland

My Work

  • Streaming a webcam through HTML.
  • Using Face API to detect faces in real time.
  • Drawing facial landmarks in real time.
  • Determining emotion through facial expressions in real time.

Click to view the raw code on Github

Click to view the raw code on Github

Click to view the raw code on Github

Click to view the raw code on Github
  • Used the Clip Path Generator from Bennettfeely to modify the complex shapes in CSS that I want.
  • GSAP Timeline to assign the timeline I want each shapes to move to.

Click to view the raw code on Github

Click to view the raw code on Github

Click to view the raw code on Github
  • Set up a scene, renderer and camera.
  • Added 3D primitives.
  • Positioned, rotated and scaled them.
  • Used GSAP Timeline to animate 3D objects.
  • Used the raytracer to interact with 3D objects, etc.

Click to view the raw code on Github

Click to view the raw code on Github
Circular Text Path TIEN BORLAND ❤️❤️❤️